CWP Design Studio designed Prevail Proven. CWP recently completed a rebrand for Prevail, a leading incontinence brand under the First Quality umbrella of consumer staples. Incontinence products are a multi-billion dollar market. Until now, Prevail has primarily focused on the B2B market – health care professionals, hospitals, senior living centers, etc. Where it is the #1 incontinence product in the space and has been over its 30 years in the market. CWP was challenged to introduce Prevail to the larger consumer audience, folks who largely do not know the product as it is not available on store shelves.
They needed a rebrand that offered a less “medical” look and encouraged open dialogue about incontinence in a way that takes the shame out of the conversation, and also points out the wide range of people who suffer from this problem, including postpartum moms, your mom or dad, your best friend – not just your grandparents. A lack of conversation and information leads to consumers grabbing what is most available vs. what is best – what nurses would put on their own loved ones.
CWP worked with better_ and tlsimonPR to create this campaign that meets people where they are, using common-place language, real-life situations, images, and graphics that feel fresh and “of the current moment.” Through Instagram snaps, Google searches, and text exchanges, the language sets the tone, and the high performance and innovative technology create the impact. It is what sets them apart from their competition and assures consumers that they are making the best choice for their needs. In addition to a robust social media strategy, CWP created billboards, magazine ads, YouTube video ads, and animated gifs. The campaign was delivered with guidelines for the client’s internal marketing team; it included custom-made icons, graphics, and a gradient alphabet.