Illo worked on a mixed-technique video for the “Repair if you care” campaign helping Vibram promote sustainable actions, in particular resoling shoes instead of buying new ones. The goal was to raise awareness about the possibility of repairing shoes by accessing a network of skilled cobblers that can be found through an interactive map. The approach chosen is based on two main pillars: the brands heritage and bold internet culture.
To visually represent these two concepts, the art direction focused on a video that blends illustrated visuals and graphic elements integrated into footage of cobblers and sports performances. The illustrated part serves a dual purpose: creating imaginary worlds that could express abstract concepts like ‘conscious nature’ and enhancing the scenes to highlight sports performances and cobbler techniques. Last but not least, the chosen footage aligns with Vibram’s sustainability principles, as it was recycled from old campaigns, giving it new life.
Illo chose GT Sectra Display by Grilli Type as the main font for the video for a specific reason: its character design combines calligraphic elements with the precision of a scalpel knife, reminiscent of one of the tools used by cobblers. The typography interacts with the footage through parallax effects and repeated words, drawing viewers into the scene.
Inspired by the shape of Vibram’s logo, Illo decided to incorporate their iconic elongated octagon into the video scenes as a mask or graphic element. This allowed for the subtle showcasing and integration of the logo, making it expressive and, most importantly, making the video extremely ownable by the brand.
The deliverables included four different formats, including an ultra-wide 21:9 aspect ratio. Starting with primarily horizontal videos, Illo mastered After Effects’ AI features, which intelligently filled in any missing footage.