Chocolate Box Packaging by Benjamin Heal
Regardless of your religion, the Easter season is always an excellent excuse to have a yummy piece of chocolate. On behalf of these delicacy sweets, their packaging and brand identity impact their look and feel. Also, it's the perfect occasion to present you with Top 10: Chocolate Edition.
Before enjoying a chocolate bar or egg, the wrapping should seduce us like its interior. Therefore, we've curated top-tier projects that charmed our stomachs and eyes. The Top 10: Chocolate Edition includes a balanced selection of colorful and neutral visual identities. Luckily, this edition will make you dress up to buy cacao goods.
If clever enough, you'll get enough chocolates worth craving during the week. So, we're fingers-crossed for the Top 10: Chocolate Edition's inspiration last until you run out of chocolates. P.S.: don't forget to share it with your colleagues and friends; they could need a glucose imput 🙂
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09.04 2023