Filip Triner business cards

The new business cards for Filip Triner had to express what he stands for as a designer, namely creating beautiful design that makes impact. To achieve that it was necessary to find a print specialist to help turning the vision into reality. The frontside of the business card is printed as a black foil stamp on a 352gsm white paper. The backside on the contrary is printed as a white foil stamp on a 352gsm light grey paper. Both sides were printed separately using two different „clichés“ ( printing plates). After the printing process, both papers were duplexed to achieve a final thickness of 700gsm to make them stand out. To finish the desired corporate design look the business cards were precisely cut and the edges were painted using two layers of neon yellow corporate paint color. As a final result the business cards made a big impact and have been featured on several design blogs. Design and execution by Filip Triner


Credits: Filip Triner

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